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How to make semi-trailer accessories more durable?

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How to make semi-trailer accessories more durable?

Published: 2018-07-17 Author: Click:

How to make semi-trailer accessories more durable?

Semi-trailer engine cylinder gasket can not be installed in reverse, otherwise it will lead to premature erosion of the cylinder gasket damage; engine fan blade installation can not be reversed; for zigzag tire, the installation of the ground mark should make the zigzag point to the rear. Skeleton container semi hang characteristics

Skeleton container semi hang characteristics

The paper filter element of semi-trailer engine dry air cleaner, if dipped in oil, is easy to make the mixture of high concentration of air into the cylinder, so that the air is insufficient, fuel consumption increases, engine power decreases; if the triangular tape dipped in oil, will accelerate its corrosion aging; brake shoes, dry clutch friction disc, brake belt And so on, will threaten the safety of driving. Tire rubber is very sensitive to oil corrosion. Contact with oil will make the rubber soft or peeling.

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Keywords: 轻体高强钢半挂供应,买单胎空气悬挂找哪家,骨架集装箱半挂特点

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